Sunday, November 13, 2016

My 66 Favorite Monkees Songs: #45-36

Let's keep the ball rolling, kiddos!

45. Midnight Train (Changes, 1971, and Missing Links Volume 3, 1996; Originally recorded for Headquarters, 1967)

Okay, I'm not gonna lie to you, this song is really only here for the demo version from 1967. The Changes version is a little bit too camp/cheesy for my liking, though I don't necessarily mind it, and it's grown on me over time. I will admit that I was at the first Monkees concert where this song was played live, and I lost it when Micky and Coco started singing it, so I guess I can't speak too lowly of it. Anyway, listen to both and enjoy.

44. Come On In (Missing Links Volume 2, 1990; Originally recorded for The Birds, The Bees, & The Monkees, 1968)

43. Mommy and Daddy (The Monkees Present, 1970)

42. Carlisle Wheeling (Missing Links, 1987; Originally recorded for The Birds, The Bees, & The Monkees, 1968, and Instant Replay, 1969)

There are two known Monkees' era recordings of this song, and I love them both equally, so I'm gonna share both of them here.

41. The Girl I Knew Somewhere (B-side to "A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You", 1967)

40. She (More of The Monkees, 1967)

39. Our Own World (Good Times!, 2016)

38. She'll Be There (Missing Links Volume 3, 1996; Originally recorded for Headquarters, 1967)

37. Sometime in the Morning (More of The Monkees, 1967)

36. Auntie's Municipal Court (The Birds, The Bees, & The Monkees, 1968)

That's all for now! Hopefully, I'll have #35-26 up soon. Thanks for reading!

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